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Every day we brush our teeth, often without even thinking about it. People don't realize the water they waste by running the tap for up to two minutes is the water some people need for weeks to live.Colgate, in a continuous effort to spread the Save Water campaign across Latin America, decided to interrupt this automated habit and make people come (literally) face to face with the issue.Colgate partnered with Marriott Hotels in Brazil, a country where water shortage has been a major issue, to enable guests to re-evaluate their water use habits.We delivered our conservation message when it mattered the most, right at the moment of tooth-brushing. We brought the water shortage reality to the consumers’ eyes, establishing a visual connection with a child in need of the water they were wasting.


Colgate installed customized mats in Marriott hotel bathroom sinks. These mats allowed guests to create a visual connection with a child trying to catch the water as it goes down the drain. As guests brushed their teeth, they were reminded that the water they waste while they brush their teeth is the water the child needs. Guests were encouraged to share their experience in social media using the hashtag #EveryDropCounts. In order to add scale, we implemented an integrated PR media plan around the initiative to generate earned conversation and to amplify the message. Additionally, by leveraging top Brazilian influencers on Digital sites, Instagram and Facebook, we expanded the movement even further.Through this media activation, Colgate helped raise awareness about water conservation among Marriott customers throughout a whole month and also prompted word of mouth to reach millions more.


The Water Savers campaign has not only inspired the Brazilian people to take an active role in saving water while brushing, it has also showcased the commitment Colgate and Marriott has to reducing water waste. The program generated immediate media buzz on World Water Day, resulting in 4.8 million impressions in a 24-hour period. Our communication is still going, generating increasing earned media exposure, social conversations and water saved every day. This is just the beginning; we are planning to extend the activity to more cities across Latin America for the rest of the year.


Colgate partnered with Marriott’s well-established in-house environmental efforts to deliver a message through an innovative out of home placement. A simple and impactful activation helped Colgate raise awareness about water conservation among Marriott customers and it prompted word of mouth to reach millions more.We wanted the message to be extremely relevant to make people visualize the impact of wasting water, so we placed it where their eyes go while brushing their teeth –the sink. Having a visual connection with the child while consumers brush their teeth, greatly influences how they consume water encouraging them to close the tap.


While there are many brands promoting water conservation, Colgate’s products require water usage. And few brands have a real opportunity to promote water conservation in a way that could change people’s habits. Colgate partnered with Marriott’s in-house environmental efforts to deliver a message through an innovative out of home placement. We kicked off the campaign in Brazilian cities like Sao Paulo and Recife, two cities that are struggling the most with water scarcity. To trigger the movement we targeted Marriott hotel guests. In order to make people visualize the impact of wasting water, we placed water saver mats where their eyes go while they are brushing their teeth – right into the sink. Colgate-branded toothbrush kits placed at the sink ensured that the brushing moment was tied to our save water message. Then we built on the trigger by prompting guests to share #EveryDropCounts.


Brazil is facing its greatest water crisis in almost a century. With 41% of all treated water in Brazil wasted, Colgate wanted to encourage people to take an active role in saving water. Water conservation is a cause that is very near to Colgate’s heart – almost all of their products, from tooth-brushing to fabric softener require water. While recent ads grew awareness of water wasted during tooth-brushing, Colgate took a more direct approach in 2016 to make it more personal. Through the Water Savers, our goal was to bring consumers face to face with the water scarcity issue and encourage them to spread the message #EveryDropCounts. Turn off the faucet while brushing. A simple and impactful media activation helped Colgate raise awareness about water conservation among Marriott customers for a whole month starting with World Water Day (March 22) and it prompted word of mouth to reach millions more.


Y&R NEW YORK, USA Advertising Agency

RED FUSE COMMUNICATIONS, New York , USA Advertising Agency

Mauricio Candela / Mauricio Candela Photographer

Andreia Abud / Red Fuse Brazil Media Director

Fabiana Delgado / Burson-Marsteller PR Manager

Ester Ferreira / Burson-Marsteller Account Executive

2 Irmaos Filmes / 2 Irmaos Filmes Production Company

Laura Bonetti / MEC Regional Trading

Alejandra Angel / MEC Account Director

Ramiro Garcia / Noise Band

Gloria de la Guardia / Red Fuse New York / Y&R Global Creative Director

Gerard Garolera / Red Fuse New York / Y&R Creative Director

Rodrigo Guaxupé / Red Fuse New York / Y&R Art Director

Daniela Keller / Red Fuse Brazil Managing Director

Ge Rocha / Y&R Brazil Director Corporate Communications

Ranjana Choudhry / Red Fuse New York / Y&R International Managing Director

Fernanda Giacomelli / Red Fuse New York / Y&R Group Account

Malia Cone / Red Fuse New York / Y&R Assistant Account Executive

John Baker / Red Fuse New York / Y&R Media Director

Adline Melgen / Red Fuse New York / Y&R Associate Media Director



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